- Data
Forest inventory data set (data.frame or data.table) - already stacked, merged and tidyed
- input
A named list, typically the output of function RequiredFormat_interactive, also called site profile. It has information on column names correspondence, size units etc...
- x
For internal use when function used by Shiny app
- MeasLevel
your deepest level of measurements(When function is run outside of Shiny app). Options are one of c("Plot", "Species", "Tree", "Stem")
This function takes the forest inventory data.frame or data.table as it is, and converts the column names to the standardized names used in this package. It also generates missing information, when possible (e.g. Diameter when only circumference is givent, Genus and Species when only scientifique name is given etc...). All the decisions are made based on what is provided in the input argument, which is a named list, as returned by function RequiredFormat_interactive or Profile.rds file downloaded from shiny app