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Load DataHarmonization and datasets

Install DataHarmonization

devtools::install_github("Alliance-for-Tropical-Forest-Science/DataHarmonization", build_vignettes = TRUE)

Load the packages

Open the shiny app

# DataHarmonization::RunApp() # doest' work, why?
shiny::runGitHub( "Alliance-for-Tropical-Forest-Science/DataHarmonization", subdir = "inst/app") # data.tree, stringdist

Load the example dataset stored in the package

# data()

Metadata of the output columns of the DataHarmonization package

  • Comment (character): error type informations

- Family_DataHarmonizationCor (character): corrected Family name
- FamilyCorSource (character): source of the Family correction
- Genus_DataHarmonizationCor (character): corrected Genus name
- Species_DataHarmonizationCor (character): corrected Species name
- BotanicalCorrectionSource (character): source of the Genus and Species correction
- ScientificName_DataHarmonizationCor (character): corrected ScientificName
- VernName_DataHarmonizationCor (character): completed if information available at IdTree level.

Life Status
- LifeStatus_DataHarmonizationCor (logical): corrected stem life status.

- Diameter_DataHarmonizationCor (numeric): corrected trees diameter at default HOM
- DiameterCorrectionMeth (character): diameter correction methode = “taper”/“local linear regression”/“weighted mean” /phylogenetic hierarchical(“species”/“genus”/“family”/“stand”)/“shift realignment”/“Same value”.
- POM_DataHarmonizationCor (factor): POM value at which the corrected diameters are proposed. Corresponds to the 1st POM value at which the stem was measured
- HOM_DataHarmonizationCor (numeric): HOM value at which the corrected diameters are proposed. Corresponds to the DefaultHOM if Taper correction applied. If not, corresponds to the 1st HOM value at which the stem was measured

- CorrectedRecruit (logical): TRUE: the row was added to represent the year when the stem was larger than the minimum diameter, but absent from the dataset. FALSE: original dataset row.

All the functions of the package

Arguments presentation

Harmonise and correct your data

Results summary

Only harmonization

Decomposed corrections

General errors detection

Detect errors - Remove duplicated rows - Check missing value in X-YTreeUTM/PlotArea/Plot/Subplot/Year/TreeFieldNum/ IdTree/IdStem/Diameter/POM/HOM/Family/Genus/Species/VernName - Check missing value (NA/0) in the measurement variables: “Diameter”, “HOM”, “TreeHeight”, “StemHeight” - Check of the unique association of the IdTree with plot, subplot and TreeFieldNum (at the site scale) - Check duplicated IdTree/IdStem in a census (at the site scale) - Check for trees outside the subplot (not implemented yet) - Check invariant coordinates per IdTree/IdStem - Check fix Plot and Subplot number (not implemented yet)

Botanical identification correction

  • No special characters (typography)
  • No family name in the Genus and Species columns (the suffix “aceae” is specific to the family name.
  • Correct spelling of botanical names (Taxonstand or WorldFlora)
  • Family & Scientific names match (BIOMASS::getTaxonomy or WorldFlora)
  • Update the scientific botanical names with the current phylogenetic classification
  • Check invariant botanical informations per IdTree (1 IdTree = 1 family, 1 scientific and 1 vernacular name)

Life status

  • if UseSize argument chosen : if Diameter != NA -> Alive If (the value in bold is modified by the value given after the arrow): (the “>” gives the chronological order of the sequence)

  • Dead > Alive -> NA

  • add rows for the forgotten censuses between 2 ‘Alive’ if chosen

  • Alive > Dead/NA > Alive -> Alive

  • Alive > NA > Dead -> NA

  • Alive > Dead > NA -> Dead

  • Alive > NA > NA: if DeathConfirmation > unseens -> NA if DeathConfirmation =< unseens -> Dead

Taper correction

Transform the tree diameter measured at a given height into the diameter corresponding to the default measurement height (HOM), using an allometry.

Diameter correction


Interesting other variables

Mortality rate

Recruitment rate

Growth rate

Basal area

Wood density


Tree height

Disturbance intensity


Diagnostic graphs

  • StatusCorrectionPlot() : plot life status correction result
  • DiameterCorrectionPlot() : plot diameter correction result

Results graphs