General Errors Detection
Detect errors
Remove duplicated rows
Check missing value in X-YTreeUTM/PlotArea/Plot/Subplot/Year/TreeFieldNum/ IdTree/IdStem/Diameter/POM/HOM/Family/Genus/Species/VernName
Check missing value (NA/0) in the measurement variables: "Diameter", "HOM", "TreeHeight", "StemHeight"
Check of the unique association of the IdTree with plot, subplot and TreeFieldNum (at the site scale)
Check duplicated IdTree/IdStem in a census (at the site scale)
Check for trees outside the subplot (not implemented yet)
Check invariant coordinates per IdTree/IdStem
Check fix Plot and Subplot number (not implemented yet)
Rslt <- GeneralErrorsDetection(TestData)
#> Warning: Non-unique association of IdTree(s) with Plot, Subplot and TreeFieldNum:
#> IdTree Plot Subplot TreeFieldNum
#> <char> <char> <char> <char>
#> 1: 100767 6 1 150
#> 2: 100767 6 1 248
#> 3: 101039 6 1 288
#> 4: 101039 6 1 428